Monday, May 9, 2016

Lovin' Plants

On a trip west, my daughter in Idaho gave me a cutting from her philodendron.  Since then, we've started five or six plants from that one, or plants we started from it.  My daughter here in Tennessee, is manager and server at our family restaurant, Roland's Bistro.  She was talking to a guest about plant cuttings, and said she would start new plants from our philodendron, spider plant (often called friendship plant), and purple passion.

She started with terracotta pots and added some color.


Spider plant

Purple Passion

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Power bracelets and necklace

Charisse, our cat, was hanging out with me while I was making her new collar.  When it was done and I looked for her to put it on, she was gone.  I slipped the collar onto my wrist like a bracelet so it would be at hand when I saw her next.  My 3 1/2 year old granddaughter noticed the collar/necklace and wanted to make a bracelet for herself.

She can't quite reach the foot pedal, so she sits on my lap, and with the sewing machine set to the slowest speed, she/we guide the fabric and sew.

Then my 5 year old grandson wanted a power bracelet.  He can reach the foot pedal and gets just
a wee bit of help with the guiding of fabric.

This is mine.

They do have power.  Virtue goes into the things we make, and virtue is power.